Green's Safety Planning Guide: How to Create a Crisis Plan

Green's Safety Planning Guide: How to Create a Crisis Plan

Hello friend.

I believe everyone should have a crisis plan for the obstacles that are possible, but we hope we will not have to cross. To be well-prepared is to be responsible.

What is a crisis plan?

A written plan developed by the person with the mental health condition and their support team, typically family and close friends. It’s designed to address symptoms and behaviors and help prepare for a crisis.

The best time to create a crisis plan is when things are going well and you can create it with someone else.

This is also another option for the prevention of self-harm, and how to handle homicidal, suicidal or self-hating thoughts and I highly recommend for you to take a moment with a friend, partner, family member, or someone you trust at a time that seems appropriate for you both.

While everyone’s plan is individualized here are few common things discussed:

*This is also a good thing for someone to have on them in an emergency

so whoever calls the 911 can haver the correct information*

Person’s general information

Family Information

Current medications and dosages

Current diagnoses

History of suicide attempts, drug use, or psychosis

Treatment choices or preferences

List of behaviors present before the crisis occurs

Strategies and treatments that have worked in the past

List of actions or people that are likely to make the situation worse

List of what helps calm the person

Local crisis lines

Addresses and contact info for local crisis centers and emergency rooms

Contact info of healthcare professionals

List of adults they trust

Safety plans

MY3 app also allows you to create one right from your phone!

Try it out here

If you are interested to see how one is laid out or just would like a template,

take a look this one here.

Screen Shot 2020-01-08 at 3.57.48 PM.png

The crisis plan is a collaboration between the person with the mental health condition and the family. Once developed, the plan should be shared by the person with involved family, friends and professionals. It should be updated whenever there is a change in diagnosis, medication, treatment or providers.

Remember this is meant to be a proactive and positive experience if it turns into something that is overwhelming, try it again at a different time.

Here is a breathing gif if anxiety comes on when doing the plan.

And To you. . .The one who needs to hear this most. I hope that things are getting better. And if you don’t quite have hope, I will for you. Because you are worth that and much more.

Your friend,


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